8 Best Way To Answer “How Are You Today” In An Interview

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Let me ask you first How are you today? What comes first in your mind? I’m good thank you!

If it’s your answer then you are probably giving the same answer your interviewer has heard since the interviews started. If you want to stand alone from others then your first answer should be different and unique. Because we all know the first impression is the last.

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You have prepared for all the technical questions but “How Are You Today” is the one you will face first.

You might think you have prepared everything which the interviewer going to ask during your interview.

And you haven’t prepared the most casual question. But sometimes you’ll not be able to answer impactfully these questions.

As everyone thinks this is a normal question, why should I prepare for that?

But in these normal questions, people start fumbling and this leaves a bad impact on the interviewer.

To avoid these things you should know how to respond properly to the norm greetings.

In this post, we’ll share the best replies you can give to the “How Are You Today” question In An Interview.

What To Answer To “How Are You Today?” At Interview?

Interviews are not about only what you know. How much knowledge do you have? Or question-answers only.

There are many things included in that. Which your interviewer notices in you.

It starts from when you enter the room. How do you answer the normal questions like “How Are You Today?” or “How are you feeling today?”.

You can also answer “I’m fine thank you” like most people do.

But if you want to stand alone and leave a unique impression on your interviewer then you need to say something different.

If you’re looking for the best and unique answer to the question “How Are You Today?” then here are the best ones.

“I’m feeling great today.”

Everyone expects you will say “I’m fine thank you”. But you improvise the things and say this.

It shows you excitement about the interview which makes you great today.

“Not just fine. But, I’m very excited about this interview.”

Normally people won’t reply to that pretty long answer. But if say this then you will indirectly share your excitement about the interview.

Which is a positive sign for an interviewer.

“I’m doing good today. How about you?”

This answer is not good in face-to-face interviews. But if you have a telephonic interview or Video call interview then you can give this answer.

“Today I’m feeling so confident.”

Have you ever wondered why your interviewer asked you the normal question like “How Are You Today?”


They asking you this question just to check your confidence. So, if you say this then it shows you’re confident enough to give your best.

“I’m good, thanks for asking.”

This is one of the best responses. Short and formal.

You can use this anywhere you want.

“I feel positive today. So, I hope this interview will go well.”

It clearly shows that you’re a positive nature person. It bit lengthy but this response won’t normally expected by the interviewer.

By this answer, you will share your positive energy towards your interviewer.

“Feeling good. But if I get selected today, I might be feeling great.” 

By this answer, you interviewer will get to know how much excited you are for this interview. You need this job which is a positive sign for the interviewer as they also want the candidate to join on the joining date.

You’re not the one who just came for just get interview experience.

“I could say ‘fine’. But, let’s see after this interview.”

This is not the formal response to what an interview is expected in a corporate job.

If you are going to join any startup then it will be fine. But you need to check the work culture of the company and the mood of the interview panel.

Why Does Interviewer Ask “How Are You Feeling Today”?

Frankly speaking, you don’t need to think much about this.

This is just a normal greeting that people normally ask for anyone. Like Hello, Good Morning, How are you?

Nothing more than that.

But sometimes interviews have some purpose in asking this question.

By this question, they check nervousness and your confidence level. And how you react to the normal question.

But on the other hand, they also ask this question to make you feel comfortable. And to break the ice.

So, you need to react and respond normally with a positive attitude.

If you’re confident enough to respond to a bigger sentence then you can choose which we have shared on this post.

But if you want you can just say ‘I’m Feeling good, thanks for asking.

As this works always.

In the end All the best for your interview.! Cheers!!



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