10+ Best Answers To “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated?” At Interview

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In today’s world, Trends and Technologies are changing within a day. If you’re not updating yourself on the current situation you will become obsolete too early. That’s why you need to stay updated.

If you’re working professional or especially in a technical field then you must adapt to new things that are coming in the market. Companies are also looking for candidates who stay up-to-date in their field according to trends.

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If you are a job seeker and preparing for an interview then you must be ready for the question “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated?” At Interview

This is the most common question being asked by the interviewer. With this, your interviewer checks how frequently you update yourself, what the ways you use this and your adaptability to the new technology.

If you’re also searching for the answer to this question then we’re sharing the best replies you can give for this.

How To Answer To “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated” – Interview Question?

As trends and technology change rapidly. You need to keep updating yourself in your field. That’s the only way to survive and the best way to get better opportunities.

You know if we take just an example of our most common social media app WhatsApp. They also keep updating their product regularly. If they don’t update their product, someone might launch the same product with better options and features.

Same with the employee and candidate. If they don’t get up to date with market conditions then the company will hire better candidates with more knowledge.

So, if you encounter this question during an interview you need to give the best reply to the interviewer to make a long-lasting impression.

Here are the best ways to answer ‘How do you stay updated?’ question.

1- “I brainstormed with my colleagues who are experts and very experienced in this field.”

We have some colleagues who have worked in the industry before us. So they will have more practical knowledge and expertise from us.

2- “I get the updates from my Seniors and college professors.”

Our college professors and seniors are one of the best sources of the latest trends and technologies. As they are also working in the same field.

3- “Well, I think it is my interest and curiosity that keeps me motivated to update.”

Many people have a keen interest in new market trends and news.

So, they love to hear about new things in the market.

4- “I’m following the best channels on YouTube where I get industry updates and news.”

You can use YouTube to get industry updates and news. What’s trending in your industry?

You can also mention some of the related YouTube channels.

5- “I’ve following top industry blogs and also subscribed to their newsletters to get new updates.”

Saying this will also impact that you have reading habit. And you want to stay updated in the market.

You can share some of the blog’s names as well.

6- “I enjoyed this field and I love to keep learning more about this.”

If you’re one of those person who enjoy and love their field then you must have an interest in learning and finding new things related to your industry.

If you’re a Blogger, video editor, designer or automobile engineer, then you must be gathering knowledge from TV, phones and print media to keep yourself updated like I do.

7- “I’m a part of Reddit and Quora Community.”

There are many communities and groups available on all topics on Reddit and Quora.

People are sharing excellent advice and news on these social media platforms.

8- “All my friends are working in the same field & we exchange the latest news among us.”

If you’re recently passed out then you must have friends who are working in the same fields.

Or you must be in touch with your colleagues and share valuable knowledge.

9- “I have some market veterans who keep me updated.”

They might be your ex-boss or last employer. Veterans don’t mean you have some extra qualified people in your circle.

10- “I like to read Newspaper and Industry magazines.”

People have the habit of reading newspapers and magazines to get industry-related updates.

11- “I attend Meetings, conferences and events where I get industry updates.”

Events, meetings, and conferences can be online or offline. With the help of these, you can interact with industry experts and gather knowledge. You can also make connections as well.

Why Do Interviewers Ask “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated”?

Interviewers ask this to check if you were eager to update you with new market trends or not.

This also shows them how much interest you have in your field.

Companies want their employees to keep them updated so they can work according to market standards. That’s why many companies organise training camps and trainings for their employees.


If you are working professionally then keep yourself up to date and if you’re a fresher then be ready for the answer to this question “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated” This is one of the most common questions being asked in the interviews.

Choose any answer from the above post and prepare for yourself. If you have any other answer in your mind. You can share them with us with the explanation. We’ll add to our list.

As you must have your interview scheduled that’s why you have read this post. All The Best from our side for your interview. Good Luck!!


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